Extensive program of our products with variety, appropriate to customers’ requirements, makes the company «SCHWING / Stetter», producing machinery for the systematic series of concrete production, the market leader worldwide.
Production Company «SCHWING / Stetter» apply wherever produced and transported to concrete. Our factories are in Germany, Austria, USA, Brazil, Russia, China and India, and opened more than 100 firms have sales and representative offices, forming a group of companies, is always nearby with our customers.
Mixing plant (concrete plants), concrete mixers, concrete pumps and installation of concrete restoration residues form a single transport chain work with the building material. At the beginning of this chain are batching plants, which can produce different types of concrete: from material quality standard DIN 1045 up to the special trains, with any desired characteristics.
Already mixed concrete delivered to the construction site trucks, while maintaining the quality and homogeneity of the material. At the construction site pumps serving the material at a place designed with the distribution mast, stationary concrete pumps and concrete truck. All the remains after the use of technology to work with the material would update the installation restoration fund Stetter, so we can proudly say: equipment for working with concrete, firm «SCHWING / Stetter» — all from one source!



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